Some E.I.S. students enjoying lunchtime in the caseta
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Get your Ideas Published in the 2008-2009 Yearbook!
The yearbook class for the 2008-2009 yearbook is working hard for you, and they want to hear what you have to say. Please help us make the yearbook even better!This year, the yearbook will include random survey results about E.I.S. To help us get these survey results please take some time right now and fill out the survey.
It's SUPER simple! Here's how you do it:
1. go to http://www.advancedsurvey.com/
2. Look at the left side of the page. There is a box labeled "Take a Survey"
3. Enter the number 67433 (the id number for the E.I.S. survey)
4. Take the survey!It's that simple.
Thanks for reading this. Come back soon. We will be updating this blog periodically. Don't forget to read some of the blogs that are already up here!
Ms. ReedYearbook Advisor
Isabella Rosenthal
Alejandro Lopez
Eva Hernandez
Roger Larach
Roger has been a student at EIS all his life. Since he was 4 years old until today. By the end of the six grade Roger graduated top from his class, he graduated with honors. He then stars the seventh grade and keeps his excellent grades. During that year he began his soccer career. Being in seventh grade his team won the ABSH Championship. He continued to play throughout the eight grade. As Roger grew older he became more responsible, more dedicated, more of a hard worker and an excellent soccer player. In the ninth grade Roger decided he wanted to become a leader at EIS. He ran for the 9th grade president and won. That year he did an excellent job as the freshman president. He continued to play soccer and also won an award in the ABSH Music Festival. Since little Roger had been in piano classes and in the ABSH Music Festival he showed his skills to the people. He won the Superior Award. During the 10th grade Roger’s soccer career exploded. He won the AASCA Championship and made history with his team. That year he also competed in the ABSH Music Festival and won the Superior Award for his brilliant piano performance. It was until the eleventh grade were Roger became one of EIS true leaders. His excellent grades and discipline secured him a membership to the National Honor Society. He also ran as chairman of sport fro STUCO and won. This time he competed in the ABSH Math Olympics and won the Superior Award. Roger also competed in Track and Field in the 1550 meters category; he had an outstanding performance. With his soccer team Roger won the ABSH National Championship and the Matu Cup. Currently Roger as a senior is NHS vice president. Operations Manager of Student Fundraiser Organization and member of the Nauta Club. Roger is also founder and president of Jovenes Lideres Hondurenos, an organization for Honduran leaders.
Roger has demonstrated to be a true leader. “If you work hard you can achieve anything” is the advice Roger gives to all the young leaders of EIS. A great future is ahead of Roger. Many things await him in college and in his adulthood. One can expect great things if this great guy.
Andrea Garay
Andrea happily graduated from her little school and joined the Escuela International Sampedrana where she started her high school journey. At the beginning the adaptation of the new academic systems seemed almost hard for Andrea to handle but she knew exactly how to deal with stress for these situations and instantly got used to the whole system. In a couple of days Andrea helped those of her friends who needed tutoring on the hard classes. When it came to sports she did not even think twice to join the team and even though she knew about the consequences of being in them she gave it a tried. In months or even weeks the whole school knew about the great sport talent Andrea had within her. She showed everyone that she was capable of being a great basketball, volleyball and even soccer player. Andrea keeps socializing as much as she can even for her tight schedule. She is always there when her friends need her and she always has others to rely on. The first priority she has is school; she has outstanding grades and puts all her effort in order to obtain them. Andrea dreams to join her university dream and succeed on her studies. In a couple of years a dream will be a great person with big dreams and a series of achievements. -LV
Rodrigo Canahuati
Nora Turcios
Omer Cohen
With every senior struggling with our physics class, Omer uses his knowledge to tutor those of us who are not that ‘physic-ally smart’. Anyway, besides from being a little genius, Omer also has musical inclinations. He loves to play the guitar which he does very well for about a year now. His biggest influences are Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bob Marley, AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Guns N' Roses and Judas Priest. You might want to visit his Youtube page (http://www.youtube.com/salvadordali66) to get a glimpse of what sorta music he is into. You might recognize Omer from talent shows and pep rallies, as he is also part of the school band. After completing his high school studies, Omer plans travel to Israel, his native country and join the army (good riddance) Hopefully, everything turns out well for Omer. When asked what makes him so special he answered: “I eat more than any other person at this school.” Hmmm who would’ve guessed?
Everyone should definitely get to know Omer and the school could surely use more people like him.
Jose Morales
Gustavo Vijil
Emery Godoy
Ana Matamoros
Carla Bogran
Carla has been in EILL/EIS all her life. In EILL her grade point average was of 95%, and when she entered EIS her grade point average was from 88% to 90%. Carla has always been a responsible student. At school, she played soccer, that’s how she broke her arm in 5th grade; she also played volleyball until she was in 10th grade. Carla didn’t just play sports, she was also the godmother of her brothers’ baseball team, “I found a picture few days ago, I was wearing a crown and a scarf that entitled me as the godmother, I even got flowers in my hands,” Carla said when she told me about her experience. She has been a part of in school as well as out of school activities throughout her whole life.
Carla’s favorite holidays are Christmas and Halloween. She says Christmas is one of her favorite since she gets to eat amazing food her family makes for this holiday, and for Halloween she just likes to dress-up, “Call me immature, but I still love to dress-up,” she says. Carla has been a joyful and entertaining person all her life, she refers herself as “fun-sized,” since she is 1.50 meters tall since she was in 5th grade.
Cecilia Viara
Cecilia Viara attends 12th grade in Escuela Internacional Sampedrana. She has many activities throughout the day like going to school, playing her favorite sport, soccer, and learning from her Italian origin with her Italian classes. Cecilia has been in E.I.S all her life since nursery and has been part of the school´s soccer team since she was in fifth grade, becoming one of the best soccer players in her team. Even though she has many extracurricular activities like school, homework, Italian classes and spending time with friends she can always find a little time to play some soccer. When she gets her free time you can see her practicing soccer or making sand boxes with sea shells decorations that later on she uses to store her most valuable things. A quote that motivates her throughout the day is ¨live every moment of your life¨ and she stands by it and demonstrates that she loves life and loves living it. As in for her future she plans to become a psychologist and help people throughout their problems
Joaquin Groves
A Story About Felipe B.
So now I will introduce to you Felipe Bustamante Hernandez and 11th grader. A relic, because he has been in this school all his life. As you know every kid has a special trait. And in this case, Felipe’s special traits are intelligent, outgoing, perseverance, and multi tasks. He can have three tests the next day and has not study anything. He doesn’t stress out, goes out with his friends, play soccer, and all these things he does are just a day before the tests. The awesome thing here is that even though he studies a little he gets good grades on the three tests.
Oftenly, he gets to the house starts playing on the computer and like at 8:00 pm he decides to start with his homework. He spends hours on the phone and he is still able to finish his tasks. He tends to be very responsible and he is great with the numbers (math). He has the ability of understanding all the lessons that the teacher teaches that week. However, he doesn’t participate on any school activity, but we can say he is in Social work activities as all the other 11th graders and 12th graders.
The quote given by Felipe for the school and for you is “Chill, everything can be done.”
So be relaxed like him, everything will end up ok.
Daniela Ferrufino: A Multi Tasker
Daniela wasn’t always part of the EIS community, but at the age of nine her family decided to transfer her to EILL, because they believed that this school was going to give her better opportunities for the future. Since she entered EILL, she became a part of the soccer team. Counting back her years since she was little, Daniela has about 8 years of being part of the women soccer team.
Recently she is in twelfth grade, and is now the captain of the team. Her performance throughout the years has made her who she is now, an excellent and extraordinary person, not only in her abilities in soccer but her charisma and joyfulness with her fellow classmates. In school she is known as the girl who never stops smiling, her cheerfulness illuminates every ones day. Her soccer teammates are proud of the captain they have, since in this last tournament she scored several goals that brought the team to first place.
Besides being great in the sports department, Daniela also knows how to make some dance moves. Ever since she was a child, she has always been fascinated by the ladies who appear making dance competition. When she is not in the soccer field practicing for her next game, Daniela could be seen on stage practicing her dance moves for her next performance. Watching Daniela perform is exciting because people get to see the different moves she creates throughout her performance.
Daniela has always kept an open mind when it comes to what people can do. She believes “everyone can achieve their goals if they work hard enough.” People should always go after their goals, even though if they are many.
The City Fashion Show
The chaos was centered backstage, where everyone was trying to look their best and practice their walk before going into the runway. They had a great advantage, since they had then opportunity to be watching the fashion show backstage. The organization that took place throughout the event was well organized. People were able to find their seats with no difficulties and the lounge seats that were used in the entrance were great for people who were waiting or just chatting around. Those lounge seats also made it easy for people who wanted to buy something to eat, since they could enjoy their food by sitting in those comfortable seats.
After the short interval, a sense of glamour came to the stage. The young men appeared with fashionable and classy tuxedos to accompany the ladies who were wearing glamorous dresses design by famous designer Giselle Matamala. All of the gowns were well elaborated and had a touch of spring, which made the dresses look vivid and colorful.
By the end of the night, everyone was satisfied with how the fashion show resulted. The lights, the music, everything was organized with style. We congratulate Social Work for developing such a great show, but a special recognition for Matilde Turcios (President) and Rodrigo Canahuati (Vice President) for working hared and making sure everything would turnout great.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Get your Ideas Published in the 2008-2009 Yearbook!
The yearbook class for the 2008-2009 yearbook is working hard for you, and they want to hear what you have to say. Please help us make the yearbook even better!
This year, the yearbook will include random survey results about E.I.S. To help us get these survey results please take some time right now and fill out the survey. It's SUPER simple! Here's how you do it:
1. go to http://www.advancedsurvey.com/
2. Look at the left side of the page. There is a box labeled "Take a Survey"
3. Enter the number 67433 (the id number for the E.I.S. survey)
4. Take the survey!
It's that simple.
Thanks for reading this. Come back soon. We will be updating this blog periodically.
Ms. Reed
Yearbook Advisor
The Senior Fashion Show is Coming!
One of the most exciting events at Escuela Internacional Sampedrana is coming up in just three weeks. On March 14th the Seniors ’09 will be performing with their best looks on the runway. The Senior Fashion Show has been a tradition at E.I.S. since many years ago, but this year it is expected to be better than ever before. Seniors ‘ 09 have chosen “The City” as their fashion show theme, where the decoration will be a mixture of the world’s most stunning cities such as New York, Paris and London. The president of the Senior Social work and planner of the fashion show, Matilde Turcios, has already contacted the best stores of San Pedro Sula to exhibit their clothes. Rouge, Chocolate, Ella, Gant and Hannah Banana will be some of the stores participating in the event. There will also be a special presentation of Sposas and D’ tuxedo, where students will model evening gowns and tuxedos. The Seniors ’09 have to put a lot of effort into this event because last year’s fashion show was spectacular. They had fireworks at the begging and their theme “Nirvana” was truly original. The event was full of surprises that made the public be entertained throughout the whole show. Turcios expressed, “Being better than last year’s seniors will be a hard but not impossible job.” Students have begun to work already. The following week the seniors will start to practice. They will practice for three days in a row, with the help of some runway professionals. With a lot of effort, the students will do a wonderful job. There are very high expectations for the fashion show coming up. It will be very entertaining because everything will vary. This event will take place at the cafetorium of Escuela Internacional Sampedrana, which will be completely transformed for this day. Students have contacted an expert to decorate the cafetorium. The outfits that will be modeled will vary from casual to formal. The music will be a production of a famous Dj, which will add fun to the event. The hosts will be Alejandro Lopez and Isabella Rosenthal, two of the most outgoing seniors. The tickets of “The City” will be started to be sold one week from now. It will be astonishing, don’t miss it!
-By R. Bendeck
Ohhh Senioritis!
By this time of the year, the average, healthy high school senior may have completely succumbed. Senioritis attacks high-achieving, average and struggling students alike. By this time in the school year, most seniors have turned in their applications for college and received their acceptance letters. Many of them reasonably feel entitled to a little break. The rest of the seniors who aren't headed for higher learning may not have figured out what they want to do after graduation, but they are pretty sure that it won't require anything they could possible learn in school. School has become less of a responsibility and has turned into more of a time killer. Seniors now attend school merely to socialize with friends and fool around, especially now that the final fifty day countdown has arrived.
Some of us have the wrong notion that we already have our graduation diploma with us, but sad as it is, a few are in danger of not graduating if they keep on with the slacking off. However, for the rest of us, senioritis has taken over our lives, to the extent that we don’t take anything seriously, except for weekends obviously. Ohh, the weekends!!! I wonder how our grades would turn out to be if we studied as much as we partied. That would make an interesting experiment to perform, but all of us know it just won’t happen. I believe teachers should stop worrying about seniors and just let them be. After all, having endured twelve years at this school calls for a celebration. Nonetheless, not every senior experiences senioritis in its most obvious form, but many do feel bittersweet towards their final days as students. For some, the thought of not seeing their friends on a regular basis causes feelings of depression or nostalgia. Others see the final days of their senior years as an opportunity to settle accounts before they leave their hometowns for distant campuses or careers. Senioritis can trigger some unexpected emotions, as students prepare to close one chapter in their lives and open a new one. In the meantime, or for last fifty days I might say, let the eternal senior motto live: “Senioritis, a day wasted is a day well spent.”
-By M. Papadakys
Senior Entrance 2008
-By J. Park
School Uniform
The blue shirts are uncomfortable because the cloth itches. You may use a t-shirt inside but it needs to be white or yellow which makes us warm and it isn’t appropriate with the climate we have at Honduras. Opinions may vary because some people might like these shirts. The white or black shoes are the most discussed topic. For us students, it is hard to find shoes of these colors that we really like and would use out of the campus. “This policy is used to represent the school in Honduras but within us it doesn’t matter,” a student said. The hair policy for boys seems unfair for those that don’t like to have their hair so short. Because of having their hair so long they will receive a detention without having a chance to cut it. The girls also dislike the rule of the earrings and make-up. Some of them like to look good for school but they would receive a detention also. Having one of these uniforms creates like an expectation from people that don’t know us put see our uniform. In most cases if we go out with the uniform to a restaurant for example they would either think that we will cause trouble or behave well.
In my opinion the uniform should be changed to a polo and jeans or just come like in color clothe everyday.. Some people may like them or even doesn’t care about these rules because it doesn’t apply to them but for some others this rules or policies seem unfair and unnecessary. Another thing that would cause changing the uniform is that people outside school won’t classify us as a certain type of people.
-By C. Zavala
Long Lines at the Caseta
-By C. Zavala
Sports at E.I.S.
-By D. Ferrufino
Living in the Zona
-By C. Bogran
What's Life Like as a Senior?
-By L. Villatoro
Summer Vacations
-By J. Portillo
-By A. Lopez
Semana Santa
The beach is the favorite spot for people to relax and enjoy the week. Roatan, Tela and Cortes are the hot spots where not only teens but entire families assist and try to have a good time. Pleasant locations and luxuries hotels prepare themselves with months of anticipation to receive the hundredths of locals and tourist that every year comes to the beach or any other places to forget for a week every responsibility at work and avoid the stress.
One important thing is the lack of responsibilities most adults tend to have problems with. Many people exceed while having fun and drinking excessively causing many problems which affect not only themselves and their families, but also third parties. The police officers do their best labor trying to avoid drunk driving and irresponsible behavior. Another cause of many incidents is at pools or beaches, leading to accidents referring drowning. This is also concerning the poorly behavior during the father’s watch, who don’t worry about their kid’s safety. As in what I’m concern, I believe Semana Santa is a time to enjoy quietly also respecting the religious believes. It is not a time to have too much fun, because of the danger and problems it may cause.
-By J. Morales
Senior Skip Days
On April we are planning to have another skip day since our last days of school are approaching. Personally it is very important to stay together as a group because these days are never coming back. Our next senior skip day will be like the one we had on January or even better since it would be very difficult to have a better one than the first and only that we have had. It is not that important to have a good time, but it is very important to stay together and remember those days that we have lived together. We have already talked to all the seniors about our next skip day that will take place n April of 2009. The only problem about our next skip day is that we are not sure where to go since every senior has different options about the places that we can go. Our first skip day was full of happiness and memories that we will never forget. Also most of the seniors were sad and were not having a good time since it was very difficult for them to believe that we were never going to be all together. The seniors of the Escuela Inetrnacional Sampedrana will never forget the great times that they had together and will always be remembered by every one of them.
-By A. Maalouf
Edline: Good or Bad?
“It is bad because parents ground us constantly” a student commented. Thinking about if he is right about it but on the other hand would parents ground students if they were responsible enough to have good grades. In my opinion edline is the worst webpage in the history of internet. In eleventh grade classes become heavier and with more difficulty, it is very hard to maintain a good average, but the worst part of it is that teachers normally post grades on Fridays meaning students are grounded on their most sacred days: the weekends.
Edline can be used to see our grades and if we are doing bad this only means we are going to be grounded. Edline should consider that students need their weekends to stay alive. Edline could be used to students to be worried, not parents.
-By R. Lean
Students at E.I.S
At E.I.S you can find many types of students, calm, others that are running around and talking, others that are polite or disrespectful some that are pacific, they don’t want to get in any trouble. And finally others that like to get in messy stuff. However, they all have something special. They are very social, enthusiastic, encouraging and love break. But who won’t love break? Everybody loves that part in school. A great time to rest, have fun, spend time with friends, enjoying. However, you can’t forget student’s attitude toward afterschool bell. They are quickly out of class, yelling and getting their book bags ready to go with their parents. Well, some getting ready for a party or some special trip. Students can’t wait to get home and rest. Doing what they like the most, could be watching TV, sleeping, spending time with the telephone and other interesting activities.
However, some people say, “School, a great place to be in, however, we want to leave soon and rest.” These students are great people to hang out with, they are social and interesting. You can enjoy a great time with them.
- By M. Zelaya
Senior Privileges
-By C. Castillo
Tuesday Activity Period
-By V. Valle
After School Activities
Other types of activates to do afterschool is to join a sport. There are a great variety of sports you can join at EIS. For example: Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, and Ultimate Frisbee. ‘’Afterschool is synonym to fun’," said an E.I.S. student
-By A. Murillo
-By F. Bustamante
Getting Ready for Senior Year
Also, we are going to complete our last years of social work. Skip days are going to be very memorable for all of us. We hope for it to be a successful year for all of us. Sometimes we don’t realize when tome is flying, before I told myself I want to get out of school for ever, know that I see myself all grown up , I don’t want to leave school because I’m going to miss it a lot. School and college are very different because rules change and we are going to wear color cloth each day for the rest of our life.
-By R. Sanchez
Monday, January 12, 2009
Senior Lunch at E.I.S.
It’s about being together with all the Seniors and sharing nice moments. My lunch took place at E.I.S. in December. Every single one of us was wearing decent and very appealing attires. Girls were using long and short dresses, using a lot of makeup and nice hair. Boys were using expensive clothing, dazzling shoes and pleasant cologne. The food was organized by staff members of the caseta. It cost L. 150 per student in order to make this possible.
Weeks before this event, we were planning a gift exchange. It was well organized and everyone participated, even teachers. The minimum limit to spend was L. 500. These gifts were scheduled to be delivered minutes before we started eating. Each of us had to stand up in front of everyone and say something about their secrete friend and the others had to guess who was it. Although people were embarrassed because of public speaking, it was very funny. We had such a great time.
After waiting to be told to approach the food tables and serve ourselves, we finally were told to do so. We were starving; the food looked appetizing, making the L.150 worth something. We then took a seat and enjoy the moment.
After this superb lunch, we had professional photographers take pictures of the whole group together. After we graduate this photos will be some of the things we will always remember. In my opinion this type of events are important because it makes us learn and be grateful for this type of moments. In the future, each of us will remember that day, they will remember this Senior Lunch and every other special events we have together.
-Faris Simon
Thursday, January 8, 2009
MUN at E.I.S.
-Alexandra Kattan
Social Work at E.I.S.
-Claudeth Pena
E.I.S. Caseta Food
This year also, the school decided to put a policy of just selling healthy food. Things like gaseous drinks, junk food, sugar food, fat food were banned from the school casetas. Things that were taken off were things like Donas, pastelitos, pepsi, miranda, chips, fats, sugars, etc. Basically what was taken off were things that were not healthy to students and also a good way to not put hyper the people.
-Christopher Ortega
ABSH Basketball Tournament 2008
-Alejandro Zapata
Seniors: 1st Semester
With Christmas Break just over we had plenty of time to rest, eat, and party before coming back to school for our last semester together, and with so many things to do in the weeks to come, it seems like we have nothing but work ahead of us, but you now that is not true. Our classmates are already getting eager to leave for Spring Break! The plans for the biggest and most awaited week of the year are taking shape and the last hotel rooms on the island are being hunted so make your reservations quickly.
The Senior barbeques have been good, but we can do better. Our class president is doing a great job trying to organize fun events that will bring us even closer before our time together runs out. A person alone will not make this a fun year, but one hundred heads definitely have the capability to do great things. As a class we need to cooperate and make an effort to be the best senior class the E.I.S. has ever seen. “We are like stars; we shall shine even after we are gone.”
It has been a great ride, but I assure you that the best is yet to come. Lets finish up with finals and applications, and make the best out of every moment together.
Our lives are before us...
Our pasts are behind us...
But our memories are forever with us.
Seniors E.I.S. 2009
-Fernando Ramos
Charity Club at E.I.S.
At school they make many activities to raise money. They have make bake sales to have money for their charity. In the bake sale they sell food and deserts. Such as cookies, brownies, cupcakes, sandwiches, dedito de queso. They sell the food to students of E.I.S at lunch and recess. Another way they raise money for charity is by selling Twlight t-shirts for 150 lmp. For students that are fans of twilight.
Charity club with the money they raise from their activities. They gave some public schools supplies that they needed for kids to learn. Such has bags, colors or notebooks. Also they went to old peoples home to give some food and even gave them a hair cut! This made them happy to see the E.I.S Students helping out and spending time with them and seeing new faces.
-Monica Handal
10th and 11th Graders Banned from Library
After a few days that the bad conduct was reported, the principals decided to take action to punish the students who have caused a huge commotion in the library. I believe these students were suspended for several days, but the part of the punishment that affected at least one-hundred and eighty high school students was the decision to ban all eleventh an tenth grader from the school library during breaks. At the beginning, no one bothered about the decision even though they didn’t find it fair that two entire grades had to pay for five unconscious students. But as the heat increased through the past of the days, everybody was searching for a place in which they could chill and cool off, and the library was the only place available and at the same time unreachable for half high school students.
This started to have a negative effect on the students affected by the ban. The trouble makers who made the office take this crucial decision were threatened to be beaten up for this childish act of them. Behavior during class time was also affected, since students who didn’t find it fair at all started to revolt and misbehave in act of protest.
Some retentions have been given to banned students since few smart 10th graders have tried to enter to the restricted area trying to fool the librarians telling them they are in inferior grades, which librarians and principals haven’t tolerated at all.
As November came by and the temperature slightly dropped, students have seemed to forget about the whole ban, and spend their lunches at the caseta or at C wing as they’d normally do in past years. Everybody seems to be happy, except students who were irresponsible enough and decided to do their homework at school, and as they are unable to enter to the library, they might not enjoy to do their homework in quiet environment, or are unable to print their research or essays.
The ban shouldn’t have been made first of all; the high school authorities should have deal with the trouble makers and should have left the entire grades out of these embarrassing episode.
-Bruno Tome
The World Wide Soccer Spirit at EIS
European soccer is not the only thrill of the students, Honduran soccer itself is much appreciated. Colors such as blue, yellow, white, and green are seen at school to represent the four most popular soccer teams in Honduras, Motagua, Espana, Olimpia, and Marathon. You could probably say that we have hooligans at school, but not the violent ones. In one ocation, the league champion up was brought to the E.I.S. library, which was won by Marathon, and students were allowed to go and visit it, and take pictures of it. The love for Honduran soccer has grown so much at school that teachers and American staff members that began to love it, and got to the stadium and watch the games. Most of them root for Marathon, because it is the San Pedro team.
The love for soccer is at its peaking point when we refer to Honduran National games. In these sorts of days, the whole school is allowed to wear the beautiful colors of Honduras, white and blue. The spirit is felt through the whole school. Many are exited and anxious. As we said before that many students skip classes to watch games, the students in this case skip classes to leave to the STADIUM!!!!!!! If there was no victory, the next day, the students have absolutely no desire to talk about the soccer game. However, if there is victory, the whole day, the talk will be about the teams performance on the game.
Soccer will always be in the E.I.S. students heart, there is no way it will leave this place. If you ever desire to start a conversation with a student of this school, I strongly recommend it to be about soccer. We hope that we van share, the happy and sad moments between students for years to come. Soccer is all the EIS students unofficial class topic.
-Lee Rivera
E.I.S. School Uniform
-Luis Zuniga
Men's Varsity Football Team
-Agustin Arguello
Students and Facebook
Student post up pictures of their friends and family and show what they have done. Unlimited photos and albums can be uploaded. This is a way for everyone to see what the new style is, and hang out places, and keep up to date with their friends. Status also states what your friend is doing or feeling. Poke is also a way to interact with your friends, doesn’t really do much it’s just like a little game to annoy you. The Wall on Facebook is another way to interact with your friends. You are able to comment on their wall and be able to write to each other back and forth, but everyone is able to read what you write. This has caused drama to many students. There is an inbox located on the top of the page where you are able to send messages and write to your friends in private. Another way to talk with your friends is the “chat” box located at the bottom, which was recently released. This is a private way to talk also. It’s simple; it seems like if it was MSN Messenger. Another great feature of Facebook is that it shows when peoples birthday comes up for a little reminder. Everyone forgets at least one of their close friends’ birthday.
There has always been a problem about gossiping on this website, talking about people, things that are not even true. This really upsets people and no one can really stop this. There are these groups where you can enter in to be a part of. Well there was a case at E.I.S this year that some students have posted up some fake information of other students that really upset them. It’s really immature to even post up things that you know that someone would not like. I am pretty sure that there have been several other cases in different countries or states that has been into gossip and drama over facebook.
-Milade Handal
Volleyball trip to El Salvador
About 13 girls and 13 boys went to this trip and teams, both boys and girls, played 6 games in total of 3 sets each. On the first they, the EIS school teams had 2 games and both in an outside courtyard, which the teams were not used to because in their school they only play in the Cafetorium which is an inside playing field. Because the players had had a long trip from Honduras to El Salvador they were very tired and sleepy so both games they both lost both games they had on Friday. They had what they called the “Dramamine” effect, which made them very sleepy and not conscious of what was happening. The first girls’ game was lost 2 sets to 1 and the other 2 sets to 0. The first set of the first game was lost 25 to 19, the second set the EIS won 25 to 22, and the final decisive set was lost 15 to 11. The second game started very quickly and the EIS lost both sets 25 to 17. Girls were very tired and sleepy because of the Dramamine pill so the coach did not grounded them for losing 2 games.
Boys both two games on Friday were lost. Boys did a very bad job playing against the El Salvador National team. The EIS boys’ team made about 10 points each set in both 2 games. They were also very tired and had the famous “Dramamine” effect.
On Saturday the players had to wake up at 6 in the morning because they had 2 games one at 8 and the other at 11 o’clock. Saturday was a very heavy day for the players, however they survived it. The girls had 4 games in which they lost 1 and won 3, 2 sets to 0. The boys also had 4 games in which they lost 3 and won 1. The boys were very sad, but at least they won experience and learned to work together as a team.
Hopefully in other tournaments this year the school will do better. Good luck for the EIS volleyball team.
-Gaby Jimenez
Senior BBQ
The atmosphere at the party had a very good mood, everyone was enjoying the music, seniors hired a known DJ from San Pedro Sula, and he is DJ Lulo. Electronic music was mostly played throughout the whole party and some reggaeton songs that put girls to dance all night long, and as if the dance floor wasn’t enough, they took dancing to the tops of tables. People were having a blast of fun, there were also snacks for people to grab bites if they were a little hungry, because dinner wasn’t sold here.
Even though some people didn’t show up, with the number of people that went it was surely enough, at midnight we could see people from other school arriving to the party and also some ex students from EIS trying to catch up with old friends. Lots of pictures were taken throughout the party by everyone, any person with a camera had the pleasure to catch some exciting and fun moments from the party. This kind of party makes socializing a primary thing because if you didn’t know anyone their maybe you were one of those people who were really bored and sitting down at the table doing nothing.
The senior president, Willy Perez, was the mind behind the party, he organized every single detail to make the senior party a party to remember, a party that could be talked about and that it would have good comments. The club was prepared for students, even though there was no school supervision here, the party didn’t allow anything wrong that shouldn’t be done happen. People behaved pretty decently and the school headmasters were proud to know that their students had behaved how they had expected them to do so.
The ending of the party was at about 4 o’clock in the morning of next day, the place wasn’t such a mess because people were well behaved. Some people after the party ended in B412 decided to take the party to the gas station next to the club and they decided to have their breakfast their and eat some baleadas, I was told by most people they had a great time and that they hoped that it could be repeated really soon.
-Helena Valesquez
The Caseta Decorations
The caseta is a vital space for students and teachers because this area is where they relax and hang out during the school day. For many years, the owner and woman in charge of the caseta has been Ms. Yolanda, and now she has obtained sponsors for her caseta.
On these past years, the Pepsi Company sponsored the caseta, so it was painted with the pepsi colors, white and blue. Pepsi has been in charge of maintaining the caseta and renovating the paint several times. The caseta was not only painted, but was also propaganda for the Pepsi Company . Many of the students argued that they didn’t like how it looked, especially the seats it had.
The seats have been changed several times. There have been wooden, plastic, and now, metal seats. There have been some problems with these metal seats because some people have gotten into accidents. During December of 2008 there were some rumors that the caseta was going to change for the next year. Students thought that the caseta was going to change its food to a healthier menu, but they were surprised when they came from Christmas vacations. A new look for the high school caseta.
The contract with the Pepsi company has finished, so now Powerade is the sponsor of the caseta. Powerade decided to make a new look for the caseta. The caseta’s new look is blue and black with the name Powerade posted on a wall. So big has been the change that even the half of the tables are blue and black. Not only has the Powerade company changed the tables, but it also has given three plasma screen TV and some lights on were students buy their things. Now with the TV, students will enjoy more their time during school. There are new pictures that contain sports and some famous athletes, around the caseta line. Powerade made a 360 degree change on the caseta.
Powerade has made a comfortable place where students and teachers can enjoy their recess and lunch without having any problem.
-Antonieth Colindres Mejia
The Campus of E.I.S.
E.I.S. started having only two buildings. Elementary School and High School. Elementary and Preschool shared a building. All together, there were 126 class rooms. Later on, the Cafetorium was created. This is where all the huge events such as Carnivals, Concerts, Graduations, Fashion and Talent shows take place. Then the soccer field was also provided for the students, which was also used for events. Fulfilling the administrator´s expectations, more students started to full the school and they had to create a separate Preschool building. This building has its own gym, 30 class rooms from Daycare to Preparatory, caseta and playground. Three years ago, the Middle School building was built, which provides around 30 class rooms. They also have a caseta, and a soccer field.
Rumor has it that the school is the most prestigious of the country due to its academic standards and campus. The campus consists of five buildings: Preschool, Elementary School, Middle School, High School and the Administration. It has five parking lots, three soccer fields, an Auditorium, four gyms, a Library, three Science labs, four computer labs, and a tennis court. All together it has 50.4 acres of land. Every classroom has air conditioning, a computer and some a smart board.
The school is surrounded by huge mountains, in fact, it is in a mountain. We have an incredibly huge amount of trees. It provides two entrances. In front of the Administration building, it has a long horizontal alley with around twenty flags of different countries and the School´s flag. With no doubt, E.I.S. has an amazing campus where all the students can find commodity, happiness, and conformity. Thanks to all of the student´s parents (SEIS) we can all take advantage of our education.
-Vivian Kattan
Everyone at E.I.S. is Reading Twilight
Most students use DEAR time (Drop Everything and Read) to read the story. Some have even gotten in trouble for reading out of subject book s during class time. It is like if they get obsessed with the book. You can also see many students during recess and lunch at the caseta or at the library reading Twilight. Some students read the books, which are like 500 pages long, in only one day! They can’t resist stopping to read. Most people can’t just read the first book; they’ve also read the other three.
Currently the Twilight movie is being shown in theaters in The United States and in other countries. Many students were awaiting the movie to be shown here in Honduras in November, the same time it was released in The United States but supposedly it will be shown in theaters until January or February. However, the movie has already been sold in the streets, but those are pirate movies. Also the movie was uploaded online, but since it was also piracy, it was removed quickly from the web. Many stores have also made money selling many Twilight stuff such as t-shirts, key chains, chocolates, pencils, sweaters and many more things.
Twilight has been a huge boom. The author Stephanie Meyer never expected it to be a huge success. Hopefully the next books will also be shown in theaters. Although many reviews say that people were kind of disappointed of the movie because it was nothing compared to the book. At the end of this year hopefully New Moon will be shown in theaters. Many people all around the world are waiting anxiously for the movie to be released and expect it to be as good as the book was.
-Denisse Chinchilla